Category: News

Halary et al. accepted – On meiosis in mycorrhizal fungi

Just accepted in Genome Biology and Evolution: “Conserved meiotic machinery in Glomus spp., a putatively ancient asexual fungal lineage” by Sebastien Halary, Shehre-Banoo Malik, Levannia Lildhar, Claudio H. Slamovits, Mohamed Hijri and Nicolas Corradi.

Dalhousie #4 TheScientist's "Best Places to Work"

Dalhousie University came out in the 4th place in this year’s “Best Places to Work in Academia” survey by


Claudio is attending EuPathDB Workshop 2011 at University of Georgia in Athens, GA

Renny attends summer course on NGS

Renny Lee is leaving for two weeks to the Kellog Biological Station, Michigan State University to attend the Bioinformatics Summer Course 2011 on “Analysing Next-Generation Sequencing Data”. Course’s description: This intensive two week summer course will introduce attendees with a strong biology background to the practice of analyzing short-read sequencing data from Roche 454, Illumina …

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Welcome Sarah

We have a new member: Sarah Dowler joined the lab as a Co-Op student (Biochemistry). She will be helping us with exciting projects.

New server!

This site is now hosted on a dedicated server running Apache2 on Ubuntu Linux. The computer running the server is a (roughly) 5 years old second-hand HP-Compaq Intel Core Duo 1.8GHz with 2GB RAM.

Renny is now a PhD. Candidate

Renny Lee has successfully passed his PhD. candidacy exam. Congratulations!

Three marine protist transcriptomes awarded by the Moore Foundation to the lab

The Moore Foundation, through their Marine Microbial Eukaryotes Transcriptome Project, has awarded fully funded transcriptome sequencing of three projects in our lab