Sequence evolution of the major satellite DNA of the genus Ctenomys (Octodontidae, Rodentia)

Gene. 2007 May 1;392(1-2):283-90. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2007.01.013. Epub 2007 Jan 27.


Sequence variability of RPCS (repetitive PuvII Ctenomys sequence), the major satellite DNA of octodontid Ctenomys rodents, was analysed in species belonging to three groups of species representing the two patterns of karyotypic evolution in the genus: stable and dynamic karyotypes among closely related species. The studied species represent the overall range of RPCS copy number (2000--6.6x10(6) copies per haploid genome) in the genus. RPCS sequence was characterised by PCR amplification of the genomic consensus sequence and cloned monomers. Our results suggest that RPCS genomic consensus sequence variability correlates with RPCS copy number stability and karyotypic stastis, but not with high or low RPCS copy number values. In contrast, the RPCS gcs shows a mutational profile that is similar across all analysed species. Our data suggest that an RPCS ancestral library of variants was maintained through the cladogenesis of the genus. There is also evidence pointing to the simultaneous contribution of processes of concerted evolution that resulted in a reduced representation of some ancestral variants and their partial replacement for new ones. In addition, analysis of distribution of the variability along the monomer suggests that subsequences of the RPCS are subject to some degree of constraint, probably driven by the recent replicative activity of RPCS in species with high copy number.

PMID:17331676 | DOI:10.1016/j.gene.2007.01.013