June 2011 archive

Gile and Slamovits 2011, Protist

Just accepted: Gile and Slamovits – Phylogenetic position of Lophomonas striata Butschli (Parabasalia) from the hindgut of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Protist, in press. Link to the article What’s the paper about? Parabasalid protists are a very diverse but poorly known type of microbes. They include Trichomonas vaginalis, probably the only parabasalid known to non-specialists …

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Claudio is attending EuPathDB Workshop 2011 at University of Georgia in Athens, GA

Renny attends summer course on NGS

Renny Lee is leaving for two weeks to the Kellog Biological Station, Michigan State University to attend the Bioinformatics Summer Course 2011 on “Analysing Next-Generation Sequencing Data”. Course’s description: This intensive two week summer course will introduce attendees with a strong biology background to the practice of analyzing short-read sequencing data from Roche 454, Illumina …

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Welcome Sarah

We have a new member: Sarah Dowler joined the lab as a Co-Op student (Biochemistry). She will be helping us with exciting projects.