As is true for many other aspects, genome architecture, evolution, and function in dinoflagellates are enigmatic and, in the meantime, continuous inspiration for scientific quests. Recent third-generation sequencing and Hi-C linkage analyses brought new insights into the spatial organization of symbiodiniacean genomes, revealing the topologically associated domains, discrete gene clusters and their cis and trans orientations, and relationships with transcription. Where do these new findings…
August 2021 archive
Aug 14
Spatial organization of dinoflagellate genomes: novel insights and remaining critical questions
As is true for many other aspects, genome architecture, evolution, and function in dinoflagellates are enigmatic and, in the meantime, continuous inspiration for scientific quests. Recent third-generation sequencing and Hi-C linkage analyses brought new insights into the spatial organization of symbiodiniacean genomes, revealing the topologically associated domains, discrete gene clusters and their cis and trans orientations, and relationships with transcription. Where do these new findings…
Aug 14
RNA-Seq analysis reveals potential regulators of programmed cell death and leaf remodelling in lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis)
BMC Plant Biol. 2021 Aug 13;21(1):375. doi: 10.1186/s12870-021-03066-7. ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The lace plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis) is an aquatic monocot that develops leaves with uniquely formed perforations through the use of a developmentally regulated process called programmed cell death (PCD). The process of perforation formation in lace plant leaves is subdivided into several developmental stages: pre-perforation, …
Aug 04
A Global Approach to Estimating the Abundance and Duplication of Polyketide Synthase Domains in Dinoflagellates
Many dinoflagellate species make toxins in a myriad of different molecular configurations but the underlying chemistry in all cases is presumably via modular synthases, primarily polyketide synthases. In many organisms modular synthases occur as discrete synthetic genes or domains within a gene that act in coordination thus forming a module that produces a particular fragment of a natural product. The modules usually occur in tandem as gene clusters with a syntenic arrangement that is often…
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