Tag: protist genomics

First article published in the open access journal Protist Genomics

Protist Genomics (PG) has just published its first research article: Gene discovery from a pilot study of the transcriptomes from three diverse microbial eukaryotes: Corallomyxa tenera, Chilodonella uncinata, and Subulatomonas tetraspora. By Jessica Grant, Daniel Lahr, Federico Rey, Gordon Burleigh, Jeffrey Gordon, Rob Knight, Robert Molestina and Laura Katz. Grant and collaborators present and describe new sequence data from …

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Protist Genomics, new open access journal

PROTIST GENOMICS is a brand new open-access journal entirely dedicated to publishing research, news and review articles in the fiel of genomics of microbial eukaryotes. PG represents a much-needed option for many researchers who had to opt for either a general protistology, general genomics or molecular evolution journal to submit their work. This often results …

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